New Publication of Prof. Knodt, Dr. Kemmerzell and Lucas Flath on hydrogen governance in the federal system


Prof. Knodt, Dr. Kemmerzell and Lucas Flath published an in-depth analysis of hydrogen governance in the German federal system, which has now been published in „Regional & Federal Studies“.

In a nutshell: Both the federal government and the states (Länder) promote the market development of hydrogen technologies. However, they pursue in parts different goals and approaches, potentially slowing/harming an efficient market ramp-up. One central cause we find is the lack of effective multilateral coordination. The study underlines the necessity for new intergovernmental coordination modes to prevent fragmentation of #energytransition processes (or other cross-sectoral policy issues) in federal and multi-level settings.

For all the details, the full article is open access and can be found here: