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Der International Student Services bietet Infoveranstaltungen auf Deutsch und Englisch zu Fachbereichen, Universitätsverwaltung, Beratungsangeboten, Bibliothek, Sprachkursen, Sportgruppen, usw.

Freunde treffen, einem Hobby nachgehen, das Darmstädter Nachtleben unsicher machen – wer studiert, braucht auch einen ordentlichen Ausgleich. Die TU Darmstadt bietet ihren Studentinnen und Studenten ein breites Angebot außerhalb der Hörsäle.

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Die International Student Services (ISS) betreuen und unterstützen internationale Studierende, geflüchtete Studieninteressierte und Austauschstudierende in allen nicht-akademischen Bereichen.

Um allen Austauschstudierenden der TU Darmstadt einen guten Start in Darmstadt und an der TU zu ermöglichen, organisiert die Universität jährlich die sogenannten Experience Weeks (auch X-Weeks genannt). Diese umfassen Intensivsprachkurse, Welcome Day, Welcome Party, Ausflüge, interkulturelle Workshops und vieles mehr. Weitere Informationen: The Experience Weeks

Freunde treffen, einem Hobby nachgehen, das Darmstädter Nachtleben unsicher machen – wer studiert, braucht auch einen ordentlichen Ausgleich. Die TU Darmstadt bietet ihren Studentinnen und Studenten ein breites Angebot außerhalb der Hörsäle. Weitere Informationen zum Campusleben.

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste von englischsprachigen Lehrveranstaltungen Fachbereich Gesellschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften aus vergangenen Semestern. Für weitere Informationen, beispielsweise der Inhalt der Kurse benutzen Sie bitte die WebPortal TUCaN. Dort finden Sie weitere Lehrveranstaltungen, allerdings werden die meisten von ihnen primär auf Deutsch angeboten.

TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0154-se The theory and practice of democracy in a changing world: assistance, resistance, and backslide
02-03-0162-se Exporting Democracy or Autocracy? The International Dimensions of Democratization and Autocratization
02-03-0162-se The liberal international order and its critics
02-03-0164-se Being with the others: On friendship
02-03-0165-se Global Climate Politics
02-04-0100-vl Digital Oral History: An Introduction
02-04-0120-se Born-Digital Heritage: Key Readings on Preservation and Representation
02-04-0120-se Critical Readings in Digital Oral History
02-04-0127-os Forschungs-/Oberseminar Neuere Geschichte/Technikgeschichte (Nyhan)
02-04-0130-ue Digital Methods for Oral History: An Introduction
02-04-0130-ue Tools and Methods in Born-Digital Heritage Preservation and Representation
02-22-2905-se Survey Nonresponse
02-25-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-25-1067-vl Digital Philology: Introduction
02-25-1074-ue Introduction to Distributional Semantics
02-25-1074-ue LLMs, GPT and the Humanities
02-25-1074-ue Manual and automated Annotation
02-25-1087-se Cognitive Humanities
02-25-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-25-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-25-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-25-2203-se Computational Knowledge Analysis
02-25-2203-se Corpus Approaches to Discourse
02-25-2203-se Preprocessing and Annotation for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-2204-se Measurement across the Sciences
02-25-2214-se Analysing Metaphor and Metonymy
02-25-2214-se Discourse Studies
02-25-2214-se Green Discourse around Fashion
02-25-2217-se Digital Children's Literature
02-25-2218-se Research Topics in Digital Linguistics
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0039-se Democratic Backsliding: Causes, Dynamics and Remedies
02-03-0039-se The European Union's Foreign Policy and the Middle East
02-03-0154-se The Legitimation of Global Governance
02-03-0161-se Qualitative Research Methods in Social and Political Sciences
02-03-0162-se Global Energy Politics
02-03-0162-se The politics of standardization and the Global South
02-03-0165-se The Politics of Diversity in Sub-Saharan Africa
02-03-0165-se Political Paths of Post-Soviet Countries
02-03-0165-se Reflections on Violence and War
02-04-0100-vl Digital oral history exploring the state of the art
02-04-0120-se Digital Heritage & Research Infrastructures: Key Readings in the Field
02-04-0130-ue Digital Heritage & Research Infrastructures: Tools and Methods
02-11-1005-ku InDebate: Phenomenology & Ecology
02-21-2202-vl Philosophy of the Humanities
02-22-2905-se Methodologcal Innovations in Surveys
02-25-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1073-ue Corpus Processing: Programming for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-1074-ue Embedded Meaning: Word Embeddings in Theory and Practice
02-25-1076-se Corpus and Computational Linguistics I
02-25-1087-se Cognitive Humanities
02-25-2001-vl Digital Humanities
02-25-2002-se Global Perspectives on Discourse
02-25-2002-se Multimodal Discourse (Xiaoyun Huang)
02-25-2201-tt Data and Discourse Studies (Tutorial)
02-25-2201-vl Data and Discourse Studies (Lecture)
02-25-2203-se Cognitive Linguistics (Xiaoyun Huang)
02-25-2203-se Computational Knowlegde Analysis (Issam El-Arabi)
02-25-2203-se Doing Corpus Linguistics – Data, Statistics, Interpretation
02-25-2214-se Annotating Discourse in Medieval European Knowledge Networks (Ragini Menon)
02-25-2217-se Digital Comics and Picturebooks: Production, Reception and Participation
02-25-2901-se Science Communication
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0015-ps International Relations: Dilemmas of Warand Peace
02-03-0144-fs Hydrogen and nuclear lobbying in the EU
02-03-0154-se Democracy in Divided Societies
02-03-0154-se Global Development Politics: Theories and Approaches of Reform
02-03-0154-se Human Rights and Forced Migration
02-03-0161-se Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science
02-03-0162-se Past and Future of the EU-Turkey Relations
02-03-0163-se Democratic Innovations – Theory and Practice
02-03-0163-se The governance and politics of supply chain regulations
02-03-0164-se Beyond Truth and Lies: Examining the Post-Truth Landscape
02-03-0165-se Environmentalism and Democracy in the Anthropocene: Friends or Foes?
02-03-0165-se Geopolitics
02-04-0100-vl Exploring histories of hidden, devalued and feminized labour in 20th and 21st century computing and information work
02-04-0120-se 3D Modelling of Cultural Heritage: Key reading on Digital Heritage and Scholarly Reconstructions
02-04-0130-ue 3D Modelling of Cultural Heritage: introduction to fundamental methods of spatial reconstruction
02-04-0744-pj Exploring historical sources with Hermeneutic Text Analysis: an introduction to Voyant
02-11-2022-ku Playful Knowledge – Exploring the World through Games
02-22-2905-se Measurement Error in Web Surveys
02-25-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-25-1067-vl Digital Philology: Introduction
02-25-1074-ue Introduction to Distributional Semantics
02-25-1087-se Cognitive Humanities
02-25-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-25-2203-se Computational Knowledge Analysis
02-25-2203-se Interpretative annotation in corpus linguistics – category development, tagging, analysis
02-25-2210-ue Methods and Techniques of Natural Language Processing
02-25-2212-ue Standard Tools for Humanities Computing
02-25-2217-se Digital Children's Literature
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0012-ps Comparative Politics of Central and Eastern European Countries
02-03-0039-se Foreign Policy of EU countries
02-03-0041-se Standards of Governance and the Problem of Resilience in Times of Multiple Crises
02-03-0154-se Global Energy Politics
02-03-0154-se The Theory and Practice of Democracy Promotion
02-03-0162-se International Organisations
02-03-0164-se Online Radicalization and Violent Right Wing Extremism. Causes, Consequences and Counter-measures
02-03-0164-se The new concept of work
02-03-0165-se How does law protect in war? Insights from public international law
02-04-0100-vl Concepts and Contexts of Digital History
02-04-0120-se Digital Cultural Heritage informations systems and processes: readings in the state of the art
02-04-0130-ue Digital history methods: an introduction
02-04-0130-ue Digital Methods of Heritage Research: an introduction
02-04-0130-ue Historytelling. Videopodcast & Co
02-21-2202-vl Philosophy of the Humanities
02-22-2905-se Questionnaire Design
02-25-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1073-ue Corpus Processing: Programming for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-1074-ue Manual and Automatic Corpus Annotation
02-25-1076-se Corpus and Computational Linguistics I
02-25-2001-vl Digital Humanities
02-25-2002-se Corpus Approaches to Discourse
02-25-2201-tt Data and Discourse Studies (Tutorial)
02-25-2201-vl Data and Discourse Studies (Lecture)
02-25-2203-se Computational Linguistics for Discourse Analysis
02-25-2203-se Doing Corpus Linguistics – Data, Statistics, Interpretation
02-25-2901-se Science Communication
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0154-se Human rights and forced migration
02-03-0159-se Understanding the European Union’s fast- and slow-burning Crises
02-03-0160-se Foreign Policy Analysis from Theory to Practice
02-03-0162-se Democracy, Human Rights and Turkey`s EU Accession Process
02-03-0162-se Glocalization: From West-Asia to West-Europe
02-03-0162-se Triangular Cooperation
02-03-0163-se Secular Arab Discourses
02-04-0120-se Debating Digital Heritage: key reading
02-04-0120-se Digital Cultural Heritage information systems and processes: readings on the state of the art
02-04-0130-ue Collections as Data from planning to execution based on the example of Hans Sloane´s early modern collections
02-04-0130-ue Digital Methods for Heritage Research: an introduction
02-22-2905-se Survey Nonresponse. Causes, consequences and countermeasures
02-25-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-25-1067-vl Digital Philology: Introduction
02-25-1074-ue Sentiment and Suspense
02-25-1087-se Metadata Analysis: Creating, Expanding, and Exploring Literary Datasets
02-25-2002-se Multimodal Discourse
02-25-2002-se Sociolinguistics
02-25-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-25-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-25-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-25-2203-se Computational Knowledge Analysis
02-25-2213-ue Linguistic Data for Discourse Analysis
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0039-se The EU's Foreign Policy and the Middle East
02-03-0156-vl Global Governance
02-03-0162-se Political Economy of Development
02-03-0164-se Contemporary Ukrainian Politics and Society (Zarembo)
02-03-0165-se Extremism, Radicalization and Violence: the Right-Wing Threat in Europe (Somoano)
02-04-0100-vl Concepts and Contexts of Digital History
02-04-0120-se Readings in the history of Computing in the Humanities
02-04-0130-ue Digital history methods: an introduction
02-04-0430-ue Traces of Technology and Nature: New sources for historians
02-21-2202-vl Philosophy of Science and of Research in the Humanities
02-22-2905-se Methodological Innovations in Surveys
02-25-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1073-ue Corpus Processing: Programming for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-1076-se Corpus and Computational Linguistics I
02-25-2001-vl Lecture Digital Humanities
02-25-2002-se Doing Corpus Linguistics – Data, Statistics, Interpretation
02-25-2002-se Linguistic approaches to disability discourses
02-25-2002-se The Language of Diplomacy
02-25-2201-tt Data and Discourse Studies (Tutorial)
02-25-2201-vl Data and Discourse Studies (Lecture)
02-25-2203-se Computational linguistics for discourse analysis
02-TE-0001-ko International norms and practices of fighting corruption
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0162-se Human rights and forced migration
02-03-0162-se International Organizations
02-03-0164-se Introduction to the Ethics and Political Theory of Immigration (Lukas Schmid, EUI)
02-03-0165-se Democracy beyond the ballot
02-03-0165-se Social Phenomena of Rebel Groups (Wolfgang Minatti, EUI)
02-04-0100-vl Digital Approaches to Historical Research: Concepts and Contexts
02-04-0744-pj Historical network analysis: an exploration
02-22-2102-se Surveys among the elderly: data quality of older respondents
02-25-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-25-1067-vl Digital Philology: Introduction
02-25-1074-ue Lexical Approaches to Text and Corpus Comparison
02-25-1087-se From Literature to Data: Metadata Analysis and Literary History
02-25-2002-se Cognitive Linguistics
02-25-2002-se Corpus Approaches to Discourse Analysis
02-25-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-25-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-25-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-25-2015-ue Laboratory Analysis
02-25-2203-se Computational knowledge analysis
02-25-2213-ue Linguistic Data for Discourse Analysis
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0012-ps The European Union’s Foreign Policy and the Middle East
02-03-0043-se Public Administration and Local Governance in Turkey
02-03-0154-se The Political Economy of Development
02-03-0162-se Democracy Human Rights and Turkey`s EU Accession Process
02-03-0163-se Democracy Promotion
02-03-0163-se Global Orders in Theory & Practice
02-03-0163-se Introduction to Gender and Politics
02-03-0154-se On the Concept of Iran and the Iranian Cultural Sphere: Iran in West-Asia
02-04-0420-se World Wide Wood – A global history of the environment from a data perspective, 1800-1914
02-21-2202-vl Philosophy of Science and of Research in the Humanities
02-22-2102-se Questionnaire Design
02-22-2103-se Case Study Methodology
02-25-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1073-ue Corpus Processing: Programming for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-1076-se Corpus and Computational Linguistics I
02-25-2002-se Corpus Approaches to Conceptual History in International Realtions
02-25-2002-se Doing Corpus Linguistics – Data, Statistics, Interpretation
02-25-2201-tt Data and Discourse Studies (Tutorial)
02-25-2201-vl Data and Discourse Studies (Lecture)
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0154-se Global Energy Markets and Politics
02-03-0154-se International Organizations
02-03-0154-se Introduction to Terrorism Studies
02-03-0161-se Observational vs. experimental research in political science
02-03-0162-se Risk governance in times of global change: how to manage the impacts of climate change?
02-03-0163-se Human Rights and Forced Migration
02-03-0165-se Introduction to Civil Wars
02-04-0420-se The AI's have it? Reflections on the History, Present, and Future of AI-Human Relationships
02-22-2103-se Survey Nonresponse
02-25-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-25-1074-ue Sentiment and Scandal
02-25-2002-se Corpus Approaches to Discourse Semantics
02-25-2002-se Implicit Knowledge in Discourse
02-25-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-25-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-25-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0043-se Public Administration and Local Governance in Turkey
02-03-0147-se The EU between Governance and Government
02-03-0158-se The American State in Comparative Pespective
02-03-0162-se The State: Origins and Development around the World
02-03-0163-se Democracy promotion: Actors, objectives, critiques
02-03-0163-se Geopolitics – contemporary issues and debates
02-03-0163-se Human rights and environmental protection: theory and practice
02-04-0430-ue Traces of the digital age: new sources for the contemporary historian
02-21-2202-vl Philosophy of Science and of Research in the Humanities
02-22-2102-se Methodological Innovations in Surveys
02-25-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1073-ue Corpus Processing: Programming for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-1076-se Corpus and Computational Linguistics I
02-25-2002-se Methods of Discourse Analysis Linguistics
02-25-2002-se Research Topics in Digital Linguistics
02-25-2201-tt Data and Discourse Studies (Tutorial)
02-25-2201-vl Data and Discourse Studies (Lecture)
02-25-2222-pj Discourse Analysis Project (guided self-study)
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0162-se Democracy Promotion: Theory vs. Practice
02-03-0162-se Forced Migration and International Relations
02-03-01623-se Environmental Political Theory
02-03-0162-se Global Climate Politics
02-03-0162-se Global Energy Politics
02-03-0163-se Regime Change: Democratization and Democratic Backsliding
02-03-0163-se Risk governance in times of global change: how to manage the impacts of climate change?
02-03-0164-se Human Rights Theories
02-04-0120-se The first Midlothian Campaign
02-22-2103-se Questionnaire Design
02-25-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-25-1094-ku Language Course English as a Scientific Language II: Scientific Writing
02-25-1094-ku Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-25-2002-se Annotation and Pragmatics
02-25-2002-se Decoding the Gothic
02-25-2002-se Digital Discourse Analysis
02-25-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-25-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-25-2067-ku Language Course II
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0154-se Global Development Politics
02-03-0158-se Perspectives on the American State
02-03-0162-se Nation-state, Nation and Nationalism in Iran
02-03-0163-se Human rights and environmental protection: theory and practice
02-03-0164-se Political Philosophy and Political Institutions
02-03-0165-se Business Responsibilities for Human Rights
02-04-0130-ue Climate History from the Late Antiquity to the Anthropogenic Warming (c. 500 – 2000 C. E.)
02-11-1010-se John Dewey: Logic. The Theory of Inquiry
02-21-2202-vl Philosophy of Science and of Research in the Humanities
02-22-2103-se Experimental designs in the social sciences
02-22-2206-se Architecture at the intersection of Identity, Culture and Otherness
02-25-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-25-1073-ue Corpus Processing: Programming for Corpus Linguistics
02-25-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-25-2002-se Corpus Approaches to Discourse Analysis
02-25-2002-se Terminology in Academic Discourse
02-25-2201-tt Data and Discourse Studies (Tutorial)
02-25-2201-vl Data and Discourse Studies (Lecture)
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-12-M032-se Telephone Surveys
02-03-0044-ku Forget Populism?
02-03-0048-se Democracy Promotion and Its Critics
02-03-0048-se Democracy, Human Rights and Turkey's accession to EU
02-03-0048-se Humanitarian Intervention, Genocide, and International Relations Theory
02-03-0150-ku Perspectives on the American state
02-03-0154-se Comparative political economy of Central and Eastern Europe in the shadow of the crisis
02-04-0130-ue Key Texts and Sources of the Historiography of the Enlightenment
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-04-0130-ue Charles Darwin
02-03-0015-ps Democracy and Authoritariansm in Peripheral Countries
02-03-0048-se European Union – Turkey Relations
02-03-0147-se National Executive Actors in EU Policy-Making
02-03-0154-se Global Climate Politics
02-12-M032-se Questionnaire Design
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1073-ue Programming for corpus linguistics
02-15-2018-ue Language Course
02-15-1051-tt Tutorium Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1093-ku Sprachenkurs Englisch als Wissenschaftssprache I: Lexis, Grammatik, Text – Gruppe A
02-15-1093-ku Sprachenkurs Englisch als Wissenschaftssprache I: Lexis, Grammatik, Text – Gruppe B
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0151-ku Critical Theory and the Crises of the Left
02-03-0048-se Epochal Change and International Relations in the Modern World
02-03-0048-se Law and Development
02-03-0154-se Governance in areas of limited statehood
02-04-0130-ue Reading the City – Classic Texts on the City and Urbanization
02-11-2021-ku Varieties of Experiment and Measurement in Technoscience – The Case of Synthetic Biology
02-12-M031-se Nonresponse in Survey Research
02-12-M021-se Studying Contemporary Capitalism: Concepts and Critiques
02-15-1083-se Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: British Political Speeches in a linguistic and historical perspective
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-1094-ku English language course II: academic writing
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-15-2018-ue Language Course
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0048-se Governance, Institution Building and Anti-corruption Policies
02-03-0154-se The politics of green transformations in the global south
02-04-0130-ue Early Modern London – A Changing City
02-12-M422-se Spaces of Conflict in Contested Cities
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1073-ue Programming for corpus linguistics
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-1093-ku English language course I: lexis, grammar, text
02-15-2007-ue Processing Digital Texts: Corpora and Corpus Tools
02-15-2018-ue Language Course
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0045-se Critical Theory and the Crises of the Left …
02-03-0039-se Energy and state capacities in BRIC countries
02-03-0040-se EU and Central Asia
02-03-0152-se Global Energy Politics
02-03-0048-se The psychology of international relations
02-03-0044-ku The EU anti-corruption regime
02-04-0120-se How Scots Invented The Modern World. Narratives of Scottish Nationalism from William Wallace to Mark Renton
02-04-0120-se The African-American Civil Rights Movement, 1954–1969
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-1094-ku English language course II: academic writing
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-2018-ue Language Course
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-03-0044-ku Human Rights and environmental protection: theory and practice
02-03-0048-se Critical International Relations Theory
02-03-0048-se Global Climate Politics
02-03-0048-se Technology Governance and Governance Through Technology
02-03-0048-se Migration in Global Governance
02-04-0130-ue Environmental History: Concepts and Sources
02-04-0430-ue Sources of African History
02-04-0722-os Infrastructures in Transition: The case of African Cities
02-12-M032-se Questionnaire Design
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-1093-ku English language course I: lexis, grammar, text
02-15-2007-ue Processing Digital Texts: Corpora and Corpus Tools
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-02-0301-se Advanced SPSS course
02-02-0302-se Using Mobile Phones in Web Surveys
02-02-8301-se Bodies in Popular Culture
02-03-0012-ps Vergleich II: North American Government. Comparing Canada and the United States (Bachelor / Teaching degrees)
02-03-0040-se Varieties and capacities of federal institutional arrangements: democracy, diversity management and reform capacity in plural Western democracies (Master)
02-03-0048-se Emotions in International Politics (Master)
02-03-0048-se Ontological Securities in World Politics (Master)
02-04-0130-ue Macaulay on India
02-04-0400-vl Ringvorlesung The making of urban resilience: critical infrasturctures in Africa
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-1055-gk Introduction to literary studies II
02-15-1068-ue Excercise digital philology: introduction
02-15-1094-ku English language course II: academic writing
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
TUCaN-Nr. / Lehrveranstaltung
02-02-0422-se Gender and Representation: Ways of Seeing
02-03-0039-se Die EU, Russland und die Ukraine. Perzeptionsanalyse der Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung in den Medien (Governance in Comparative Perspective)
02-03-0040-se Science und Politics in Climate Change Policy
02-03-0043-se Local government in Germany and Turkey: Current challenges of German and Turkish cities
02-03-0044-ku Policy Expertise in Democratic Governance
02-03-0132-ps Methods III: Planning and conducting empirical surveys in political science
02-03-0147-se The EU-Turkey Relations in Europeanization Context
02-04-0400-vl Urban Technologies, 1850 – 2000
02-04-0722-os Urban Technologies in Africa
02-05-0073-se Utopia and Dystopia
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Introduction to Linguistics I – Tutorial
02-15-1053-gk Introduction to Literary Studies I
02-15-1054-tt Introduction to Literary Studies I – Tutorial
02-15-1065-ku Techniques of philological investigation
02-15-1066-ku Techniques of philological data processing
02-15-1093-ku English language course I: lexis, grammar, text
02-15-2002-se Developments and challenges of corpus and computational linguistics
02-15-2018-ue Language Course: Academic Writing for Digital Humanities and Sciences