Orientation Week
The most important week to start your studies (07.10. - 11.10.2024)

Orientation period

The orientation period is the beginning of your studies, during which everyone involved tries to give you a good start to your studies. Roughly speaking, during the O-Phase, three actors offer you events, information and support, which at best all intertwine. The university as a whole welcomes all freshers at a central welcome event and provides you with many interdisciplinary support services through its various institutions. The department with its institutes provides you with a subject-related and organisational introduction to your subject(s) of study, as well as the corresponding subject-related support. The departmental student body offers you orientation, various socialising events and helps you to find your way into your studies. The purpose is the same for all of them and you will be helped everywhere.


This page will be updated continuously. Some dates and files for download still need to be agreed and will be announced here successively but of course in good time before the events.

Central welcome ceremony for all new students at the TU Darmstadt

The central welcome ceremony for all new students will take place on Wednesday, 09.10.2024, 5:00 pm, at the Audimax of the TU Darmstadt in the city centre (Karo 5). There, the Executive Board will welcome the new students, introduce the TU as a whole and answer initial questions. In addition, representatives of some important institutions will be there at an info market to introduce themselves and their areas and inform about the offers.

Here you can find more information.

Welcome by the Departmental Chairperson of the Department of History and Social Sciences

The central welcome ceremony of the department will take place on

Monday, 07.10.2024 at 09:50 a.m. in the Maschinenhaus of the TU Darmstadt (S1|05 122) at Magdalenenstraße 12.

Here, the Departmental Office will welcome all new students of the department. In addition, representatives of the institutes will be present, who in turn will introduce the respective institute and draw attention to the introductory events for the various degree programmes. At the end, the student body and representative committee will also introduce itself and directly collect all the students present, “take them by the hand” and guide them through the rest of the orientation week kick-off.

You should not miss this appointment!!

You can download (opens in new tab) the presentation of this event right here.

Important Notice

If you are a first-year student of the teacher training programme for teacher training certificates (Ex: LaG or B.Ed. / M.Ed.), the Centre for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung, ZfL) and the departmental student body and representative committees already have special orientation offers ready for you in the week of 30. September – 04. October.

Information events of the institutes on the degree programmes

The various institutes of the department offer introductory events for every degree programme and subject. These are essential for orientation, organisation and finding one's way into the studies.

The so-called specialist lectures, where you can also ask anything specifically related to your own degree programme, are spread over several days.

You can find an overview sorted by institutes and degree programmes (opens in new tab) .

Furthermore You find an overview sorted by day or date (opens in new tab) .

Here you will also find important information (opens in new tab) if you are studying the Joint Bachelor of Arts (J.B.A.) with Computer Science or Business Administration and Economics as a sub-subject.

Events and offers of the departmental student body and representative committee

During the orientation week, the student body and representative committee of the department plays a very important role and complements and accompanies the offers of the department in many ways. They are always available to help you with any questions and problems you may have during the orientation period. You will get to know the students body and representative commitee right at the beginning after the department's central welcome ceremony on Monday.

You can also reach them by simply writing to them via

You can also drop in: Mon 18:00 in S3|13 room 118

Here you can find the student body's programme for the OWO (opens in new tab) .

And here You can also find the paper (opens in new tab) from your “Ersti-Tüte”.

You can also find all information about the OWO on the website.

“In our Moodle Course you will find a wealth of information about our current events, flyers and ways in which you can get actively involved in the Student Body and Representative Committee. You also have the chance to network with other committed students and get to know each other better!”

The presentation of the student representatives with all important information is also available for download (opens in new tab) .